Source code for ansible_runner.display_callback.callback.awx_display

# Copyright (c) 2016 Ansible by Red Hat, Inc.
# This file is part of Ansible Tower, but depends on code imported from Ansible.
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible.  If not, see <>.

# pylint: disable=W0212

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

# Python
import json
import stat
import multiprocessing
import threading
import base64
import functools
import collections
import contextlib
import datetime
import os
import sys
import uuid
from copy import copy

# Ansible
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.plugins.callback import CallbackBase
from ansible.plugins.loader import callback_loader
from ansible.utils.display import Display

    callback: awx_display
    short_description: Playbook event dispatcher for ansible-runner
    version_added: "2.0"
        - This callback is necessary for ansible-runner to work
    type: stdout
      - default_callback
      - Set as stdout in config

IS_ADHOC = os.getenv('AD_HOC_COMMAND_ID') or False

# Dynamically construct base classes for our callback module, to support custom stdout callbacks.
    default_stdout_callback = os.getenv('ORIGINAL_STDOUT_CALLBACK')
elif IS_ADHOC:
    default_stdout_callback = 'minimal'
    default_stdout_callback = 'default'

DefaultCallbackModule: CallbackBase = callback_loader.get(default_stdout_callback).__class__

CENSORED = "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result"

[docs]def current_time(): return
# use a custom JSON serializer so we can properly handle !unsafe and !vault # objects that may exist in events emitted by the callback plugin # see:
[docs]class AnsibleJSONEncoderLocal(json.JSONEncoder): ''' The class AnsibleJSONEncoder exists in Ansible core for this function this performs a mostly identical function via duck typing '''
[docs] def default(self, o): ''' Returns JSON-valid representation for special Ansible python objects which including vault objects and datetime objects ''' if getattr(o, 'yaml_tag', None) == '!vault': encrypted_form = o._ciphertext if isinstance(encrypted_form, bytes): encrypted_form = encrypted_form.decode('utf-8') return {'__ansible_vault': encrypted_form} if isinstance(o, (, datetime.datetime)): return o.isoformat() return super().default(o)
[docs]class IsolatedFileWrite: ''' Class that will write partial event data to a file ''' def __init__(self): self.private_data_dir = os.getenv('AWX_ISOLATED_DATA_DIR')
[docs] def set(self, key, value): # Strip off the leading key identifying characters :1:ev- event_uuid = key[len(':1:ev-'):] # Write data in a staging area and then atomic move to pickup directory filename = f"{event_uuid}-partial.json" if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.private_data_dir, 'job_events')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.private_data_dir, 'job_events'), 0o700) dropoff_location = os.path.join(self.private_data_dir, 'job_events', filename) write_location = '.'.join([dropoff_location, 'tmp']) partial_data = json.dumps(value, cls=AnsibleJSONEncoderLocal) with os.fdopen(, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR), 'w') as f: f.write(partial_data) os.rename(write_location, dropoff_location)
[docs]class EventContext: ''' Store global and local (per thread/process) data associated with callback events and other display output methods. ''' def __init__(self): self.display_lock = multiprocessing.RLock() self._global_ctx = {} self._local = threading.local() if os.getenv('AWX_ISOLATED_DATA_DIR'): self.cache = IsolatedFileWrite()
[docs] def add_local(self, **kwargs): tls = vars(self._local) ctx = tls.setdefault('_ctx', {}) ctx.update(kwargs)
[docs] def remove_local(self, **kwargs): for key in kwargs: self._local._ctx.pop(key, None)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def set_local(self, **kwargs): try: self.add_local(**kwargs) yield finally: self.remove_local(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_local(self): return getattr(getattr(self, '_local', None), '_ctx', {})
[docs] def add_global(self, **kwargs): self._global_ctx.update(kwargs)
[docs] def remove_global(self, **kwargs): for key in kwargs: self._global_ctx.pop(key, None)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def set_global(self, **kwargs): try: self.add_global(**kwargs) yield finally: self.remove_global(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_global(self): return self._global_ctx
[docs] def get(self): ctx = {} ctx.update(self.get_global()) ctx.update(self.get_local()) return ctx
[docs] def get_begin_dict(self): omit_event_data = os.getenv("RUNNER_OMIT_EVENTS", "False").lower() == "true" include_only_failed_event_data = os.getenv("RUNNER_ONLY_FAILED_EVENTS", "False").lower() == "true" event_data = self.get() event = event_data.pop('event', None) if not event: event = 'verbose' for key in ('debug', 'verbose', 'deprecated', 'warning', 'system_warning', 'error'): if event_data.get(key, False): event = key break event_dict = {'event': event} should_process_event_data = (include_only_failed_event_data and event in ('runner_on_failed', 'runner_on_async_failed', 'runner_on_item_failed')) \ or not include_only_failed_event_data if os.getenv('JOB_ID', ''): event_dict['job_id'] = int(os.getenv('JOB_ID', '0')) if os.getenv('AD_HOC_COMMAND_ID', ''): event_dict['ad_hoc_command_id'] = int(os.getenv('AD_HOC_COMMAND_ID', '0')) if os.getenv('PROJECT_UPDATE_ID', ''): event_dict['project_update_id'] = int(os.getenv('PROJECT_UPDATE_ID', '0')) event_dict['pid'] = event_data.get('pid', os.getpid()) event_dict['uuid'] = event_data.get('uuid', str(uuid.uuid4())) event_dict['created'] = event_data.get('created', current_time().isoformat()) if not event_data.get('parent_uuid', None): for key in ('task_uuid', 'play_uuid', 'playbook_uuid'): parent_uuid = event_data.get(key, None) if parent_uuid and parent_uuid != event_data.get('uuid', None): event_dict['parent_uuid'] = parent_uuid break else: event_dict['parent_uuid'] = event_data.get('parent_uuid', None) if "verbosity" in event_data: event_dict["verbosity"] = event_data.pop("verbosity") if not omit_event_data and should_process_event_data: max_res = int(os.getenv("MAX_EVENT_RES", "700000")) if event not in ('playbook_on_stats',) and "res" in event_data and len(str(event_data['res'])) > max_res: event_data['res'] = {} else: event_data = {} event_dict['event_data'] = event_data return event_dict
[docs] def get_end_dict(self): return {}
[docs] def dump(self, fileobj, data, max_width=78, flush=False): b64data = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8')).decode() with self.display_lock: # pattern corresponding to OutputEventFilter expectation fileobj.write('\x1b[K') for offset in range(0, len(b64data), max_width): chunk = b64data[offset:offset + max_width] escaped_chunk = f'{chunk}\x1b[{len(chunk)}D' fileobj.write(escaped_chunk) fileobj.write('\x1b[K') if flush: fileobj.flush()
[docs] def dump_begin(self, fileobj): begin_dict = self.get_begin_dict() self.cache.set(f":1:ev-{begin_dict['uuid']}", begin_dict) self.dump(fileobj, {'uuid': begin_dict['uuid']})
[docs] def dump_end(self, fileobj): self.dump(fileobj, self.get_end_dict(), flush=True)
event_context = EventContext()
[docs]def with_context(**context): global event_context # pylint: disable=W0602 def wrap(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with event_context.set_local(**context): return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return wrap
for attr in dir(Display): if attr.startswith('_') or 'cow' in attr or 'prompt' in attr: continue if attr in ('display', 'v', 'vv', 'vvv', 'vvvv', 'vvvvv', 'vvvvvv', 'verbose'): continue if not callable(getattr(Display, attr)): continue setattr(Display, attr, with_context(**{attr: True})(getattr(Display, attr)))
[docs]def with_verbosity(f): global event_context # pylint: disable=W0602 @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): host = args[2] if len(args) >= 3 else kwargs.get('host', None) caplevel = args[3] if len(args) >= 4 else kwargs.get('caplevel', 2) context = {'verbose': True, 'verbosity': (caplevel + 1)} if host is not None: context['remote_addr'] = host with event_context.set_local(**context): return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
Display.verbose = with_verbosity(Display.verbose)
[docs]def display_with_context(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): log_only = args[5] if len(args) >= 6 else kwargs.get('log_only', False) stderr = args[3] if len(args) >= 4 else kwargs.get('stderr', False) event_uuid = event_context.get().get('uuid', None) with event_context.display_lock: # If writing only to a log file or there is already an event UUID # set (from a callback module method), skip dumping the event data. if log_only or event_uuid: return f(*args, **kwargs) try: fileobj = sys.stderr if stderr else sys.stdout event_context.add_local(uuid=str(uuid.uuid4())) event_context.dump_begin(fileobj) return f(*args, **kwargs) finally: event_context.dump_end(fileobj) event_context.remove_local(uuid=None) return wrapper
Display.display = display_with_context(Display.display)
[docs]class CallbackModule(DefaultCallbackModule): ''' Callback module for logging ansible/ansible-playbook events. ''' CALLBACK_NAME = 'awx_display' CALLBACK_VERSION = 2.0 CALLBACK_TYPE = 'stdout' # These events should never have an associated play. EVENTS_WITHOUT_PLAY = [ 'playbook_on_start', 'playbook_on_stats', ] # These events should never have an associated task. EVENTS_WITHOUT_TASK = EVENTS_WITHOUT_PLAY + [ 'playbook_on_setup', 'playbook_on_notify', 'playbook_on_import_for_host', 'playbook_on_not_import_for_host', 'playbook_on_no_hosts_matched', 'playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining', ] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._host_start = {} self.task_uuids = set() self.duplicate_task_counts = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1) self.play_uuids = set() self.duplicate_play_counts = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1) # NOTE: Ansible doesn't generate a UUID for playbook_on_start so do it for them. self.playbook_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def capture_event_data(self, event, **event_data): event_data.setdefault('uuid', str(uuid.uuid4())) if event not in self.EVENTS_WITHOUT_TASK: task = event_data.pop('task', None) else: task = None if event_data.get('res'): if event_data['res'].get('_ansible_no_log', False): event_data['res'] = {'censored': CENSORED} if event_data['res'].get('results', []): event_data['res']['results'] = copy(event_data['res']['results']) for i, item in enumerate(event_data['res'].get('results', [])): if isinstance(item, dict) and item.get('_ansible_no_log', False): event_data['res']['results'][i] = {'censored': CENSORED} with event_context.display_lock: try: event_context.add_local(event=event, **event_data) if task: self.set_task(task, local=True) event_context.dump_begin(sys.stdout) yield finally: event_context.dump_end(sys.stdout) if task: self.clear_task(local=True) event_context.remove_local(event=None, **event_data)
[docs] def set_playbook(self, playbook): file_name = getattr(playbook, '_file_name', '???') event_context.add_global(playbook=file_name, playbook_uuid=self.playbook_uuid) self.clear_play()
[docs] def set_play(self, play): if hasattr(play, 'hosts'): if isinstance(play.hosts, list): pattern = ','.join(play.hosts) else: pattern = play.hosts else: pattern = '' name = play.get_name().strip() or pattern event_context.add_global(play=name, play_uuid=str(play._uuid), play_pattern=pattern) self.clear_task()
[docs] def clear_play(self): event_context.remove_global(play=None, play_uuid=None, play_pattern=None) self.clear_task()
[docs] def set_task(self, task, local=False): self.clear_task(local) # FIXME: Task is "global" unless using free strategy! task_ctx = { 'task': ( or task.action), 'task_uuid': str(task._uuid), 'task_action': task.action, 'resolved_action': getattr(task, 'resolved_action', task.action), 'task_args': '', } try: task_ctx['task_path'] = task.get_path() except AttributeError: pass if C.DISPLAY_ARGS_TO_STDOUT: # pylint: disable=E1101 if task.no_log: task_ctx['task_args'] = "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result" else: task_args = ', '.join((f'{k}={v}' for k, v in task.args.items())) task_ctx['task_args'] = task_args if getattr(task, '_role', None): task_role = task._role._role_name if hasattr(task._role, 'get_name'): resolved_role = task._role.get_name() if resolved_role != task_role: task_ctx['resolved_role'] = resolved_role else: task_role = getattr(task, 'role_name', '') if task_role: task_ctx['role'] = task_role if local: event_context.add_local(**task_ctx) else: event_context.add_global(**task_ctx)
[docs] def clear_task(self, local=False): task_ctx = { 'task': None, 'task_path': None, 'task_uuid': None, 'task_action': None, 'task_args': None, 'resolved_action': None, 'role': None, 'resolved_role': None } if local: event_context.remove_local(**task_ctx) else: event_context.remove_global(**task_ctx)
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_start(self, playbook): self.set_playbook(playbook) event_data = { 'uuid': self.playbook_uuid, } with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_start', **event_data): super().v2_playbook_on_start(playbook)
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_vars_prompt(self, varname, private=True, prompt=None, encrypt=None, confirm=False, salt_size=None, salt=None, default=None, unsafe=None): event_data = { 'varname': varname, 'private': private, 'prompt': prompt, 'encrypt': encrypt, 'confirm': confirm, 'salt_size': salt_size, 'salt': salt, 'default': default, 'unsafe': unsafe, } with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_vars_prompt', **event_data): super().v2_playbook_on_vars_prompt( varname, private, prompt, encrypt, confirm, salt_size, salt, default, )
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_include(self, included_file): event_data = { 'included_file': included_file._filename if included_file is not None else None, } with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_include', **event_data): super().v2_playbook_on_include(included_file)
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_play_start(self, play): if IS_ADHOC: return play_uuid = str(play._uuid) if play_uuid in self.play_uuids: # When this play UUID repeats, it means the play is using the # free strategy (or serial:1) so different hosts may be running # different tasks within a play (where duplicate UUIDS are common). # # When this is the case, modify the UUID slightly to append # a counter so we can still _track_ duplicate events, but also # avoid breaking the display in these scenarios. self.duplicate_play_counts[play_uuid] += 1 play_uuid = '_'.join([ play_uuid, str(self.duplicate_play_counts[play_uuid]) ]) self.play_uuids.add(play_uuid) play._uuid = play_uuid self.set_play(play) if hasattr(play, 'hosts'): if isinstance(play.hosts, list): pattern = ','.join(play.hosts) else: pattern = play.hosts else: pattern = '' name = play.get_name().strip() or pattern event_data = { 'name': name, 'pattern': pattern, 'uuid': str(play._uuid), } with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_play_start', **event_data): super().v2_playbook_on_play_start(play)
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_import_for_host(self, result, imported_file): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible 2.x. with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_import_for_host'): super().v2_playbook_on_import_for_host(result, imported_file)
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_not_import_for_host(self, result, missing_file): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible 2.x. with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_not_import_for_host'): super().v2_playbook_on_not_import_for_host(result, missing_file)
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_setup(self): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible 2.x. with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_setup'): super().v2_playbook_on_setup()
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_task_start(self, task, is_conditional): if IS_ADHOC: self.set_task(task) return # FIXME: Flag task path output as vv. task_uuid = str(task._uuid) if task_uuid in self.task_uuids: # When this task UUID repeats, it means the play is using the # free strategy (or serial:1) so different hosts may be running # different tasks within a play (where duplicate UUIDS are common). # # When this is the case, modify the UUID slightly to append # a counter so we can still _track_ duplicate events, but also # avoid breaking the display in these scenarios. self.duplicate_task_counts[task_uuid] += 1 task_uuid = '_'.join([ task_uuid, str(self.duplicate_task_counts[task_uuid]) ]) self.task_uuids.add(task_uuid) self.set_task(task) event_data = { 'task': task, 'name': task.get_name(), 'is_conditional': is_conditional, 'uuid': task_uuid, } with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_task_start', **event_data): super().v2_playbook_on_task_start(task, is_conditional)
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_cleanup_task_start(self, task): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible 2.x. self.set_task(task) event_data = { 'task': task, 'name': task.get_name(), 'uuid': str(task._uuid), 'is_conditional': True, } with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_task_start', **event_data): super().v2_playbook_on_cleanup_task_start(task)
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_handler_task_start(self, task): # NOTE: Re-using playbook_on_task_start event for this v2-specific # event, but setting is_conditional=True, which is how v1 identified a # task run as a handler. self.set_task(task) event_data = { 'task': task, 'name': task.get_name(), 'uuid': str(task._uuid), 'is_conditional': True, } with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_task_start', **event_data): super().v2_playbook_on_handler_task_start(task)
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_matched(self): with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_no_hosts_matched'): super().v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_matched()
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining(self): with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining'): super().v2_playbook_on_no_hosts_remaining()
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_notify(self, handler, host): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible < 2.5. event_data = { 'host': host.get_name(), 'handler': handler.get_name(), } with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_notify', **event_data): super().v2_playbook_on_notify(handler, host)
# ansible_stats is, retroactively, added in 2.2
[docs] def v2_playbook_on_stats(self, stats): self.clear_play() # FIXME: Add count of plays/tasks. event_data = { 'changed': stats.changed, 'dark': stats.dark, 'failures': stats.failures, 'ignored': getattr(stats, 'ignored', 0), 'ok': stats.ok, 'processed': stats.processed, 'rescued': getattr(stats, 'rescued', 0), 'skipped': stats.skipped, 'artifact_data': stats.custom.get('_run', {}) if hasattr(stats, 'custom') else {} } with self.capture_event_data('playbook_on_stats', **event_data): super().v2_playbook_on_stats(stats)
@staticmethod def _get_event_loop(task): if hasattr(task, 'loop_with'): # Ansible >=2.5 return task.loop_with if hasattr(task, 'loop'): # Ansible <2.4 return task.loop return None def _get_result_timing_data(self, result): host_start = self._host_start.get(result._host.get_name()) if host_start: end_time = current_time() return host_start, end_time, (end_time - host_start).total_seconds() return None, None, None
[docs] def v2_runner_on_ok(self, result): # FIXME: Display detailed results or not based on verbosity. # strip environment vars from the job event; it already exists on the # job and sensitive values are filtered there if result._task.action in ('setup', 'gather_facts'): result._result.get('ansible_facts', {}).pop('ansible_env', None) host_start, end_time, duration = self._get_result_timing_data(result) event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'remote_addr': result._host.address, 'task': result._task, 'res': result._result, 'start': host_start, 'end': end_time, 'duration': duration, 'event_loop': self._get_event_loop(result._task), } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_ok', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_ok(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_on_failed(self, result, ignore_errors=False): # FIXME: Add verbosity for exception/results output. host_start, end_time, duration = self._get_result_timing_data(result) event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'remote_addr': result._host.address, 'res': result._result, 'task': result._task, 'start': host_start, 'end': end_time, 'duration': duration, 'ignore_errors': ignore_errors, 'event_loop': self._get_event_loop(result._task), } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_failed', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_failed(result, ignore_errors)
[docs] def v2_runner_on_skipped(self, result): host_start, end_time, duration = self._get_result_timing_data(result) event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'remote_addr': result._host.address, 'task': result._task, 'start': host_start, 'end': end_time, 'duration': duration, 'event_loop': self._get_event_loop(result._task), } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_skipped', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_skipped(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_on_unreachable(self, result): host_start, end_time, duration = self._get_result_timing_data(result) event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'remote_addr': result._host.address, 'task': result._task, 'start': host_start, 'end': end_time, 'duration': duration, 'res': result._result, } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_unreachable', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_unreachable(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_on_no_hosts(self, task): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible 2.x. event_data = { 'task': task, } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_no_hosts', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_no_hosts(task)
[docs] def v2_runner_on_async_poll(self, result): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible 2.x. event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'task': result._task, 'res': result._result, 'jid': result._result.get('ansible_job_id'), } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_async_poll', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_async_poll(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_on_async_ok(self, result): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible 2.x. event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'task': result._task, 'res': result._result, 'jid': result._result.get('ansible_job_id'), } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_async_ok', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_async_ok(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_on_async_failed(self, result): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible 2.x. event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'task': result._task, 'res': result._result, 'jid': result._result.get('ansible_job_id'), } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_async_failed', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_async_failed(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_on_file_diff(self, result, diff): # NOTE: Not used by Ansible 2.x. event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'task': result._task, 'diff': diff, } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_file_diff', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_file_diff(result, diff)
[docs] def v2_on_file_diff(self, result): # NOTE: Logged as runner_on_file_diff. event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'task': result._task, 'diff': result._result.get('diff'), } with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_file_diff', **event_data): super().v2_on_file_diff(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_item_on_ok(self, result): event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'task': result._task, 'res': result._result, } with self.capture_event_data('runner_item_on_ok', **event_data): super().v2_runner_item_on_ok(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_item_on_failed(self, result): event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'task': result._task, 'res': result._result, } with self.capture_event_data('runner_item_on_failed', **event_data): super().v2_runner_item_on_failed(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_item_on_skipped(self, result): event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'task': result._task, 'res': result._result, } with self.capture_event_data('runner_item_on_skipped', **event_data): super().v2_runner_item_on_skipped(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_retry(self, result): event_data = { 'host': result._host.get_name(), 'task': result._task, 'res': result._result, } with self.capture_event_data('runner_retry', **event_data): super().v2_runner_retry(result)
[docs] def v2_runner_on_start(self, host, task): event_data = { 'host': host.get_name(), 'task': task } self._host_start[host.get_name()] = current_time() with self.capture_event_data('runner_on_start', **event_data): super().v2_runner_on_start(host, task)